Monday, April 28, 2014

Fear 3 of 2

    1.    What was the fear project about and who did it? 
Aaron's project probably affected me more than anybody else's. His project was simple, yet effective. The fear he focused on was the fear of not being good enough within your field. He spoke briefly about how scary it is that we are all competing for the same jobs when we go to a new media class, and then gave every person their own container of play-dough to play with.

    2.    Why did you respond to it so strongly?
The project really hit me because of how positive it was. Instead of going into the details of his fear, he made it general and relatable. The playdough activity was so much fun, for everyone. And given it's childish and crude nature, nobody was competing with one another for the best sculpture. It was just honest creativity for the whole class. Thus breaking the competition cycle we too often feel.
  3.    How does it impact how you see your own project, and your own creative journey?
It made me realize that it's not always about me, that I should have had a more interactive project for everyone so that I could flip a fearful situation, into an uplifting situation. And it also helped me see that I'm not the only one who is afraid of this. We should be creative together rather than competing with one another all of the time.

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