Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Class Take Away 6

Yet another monday goes by without a Seeing Sideways meeting, however, thats okay. We were told to use that time to play with creativity, rather than adhere to our schedule. This assignment I believe works off of the ideas of synchronicity, spontaneity, and serendipity. Synchronicity is displayed by the students all working at the same time but in different places, to come together next class meeting. Spontaneity is shown in the "playing" part of the assignment, we take time out of our day to do what makes us happy, rather than what we "should" do. And serendipity is the ultimate goal, an unexpected but pleasant realization of how we might flourish creatively. I just love how all of these assignments are designed for personal accomplishments, and the three S's are a cool concept as well.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Class Take Away 5

Though I was really bummed to hear that we didn't have class, these new assignments look pretty fun. I'm really excited to figure out just what I would want in my creative space. I have no idea what the best environment for my creativity is. Surely something with lots of interaction with creative people, but also enough space for myself to think independently. This is a difficult thing to achieve at a home based work environment. Also do I prefer a clean and modern space, or more of a controlled chaos? This will definitely take some contemplation.

Monday, February 17, 2014

50 What Ifs...

What if I...

1. Took a picture of the barcode and put flames in the frame.

2. Read the book.

3. Put tape over my mouth and read an excerpt of the book. Symbolizing my social anxiety.

4. Burned the book, and made a video of the process.

5. Used the book as a frisbee.

6. Tried to make the book look old.

7. Drew on all of the pictures for fun.

8. Balled up all of the pages, put them in a trashcan, and took a photo.

9. Folded origami with the pages.

10. Made paper airplanes with the pages.

11.Made an abstract collage from pages in the book.

12. Wore the book as a hat.

13. Made the book look like a cake, cut a "slice" of the book, and took a photo.

14. Did a drawing on top of one of the pages.

15. Made a mask from the book.

16. Made a paper mâché ball from the book.

17. Cut out specific words from the book and formed a sentence.

18. Sold the book.

19. Used the pages to create a frame for a photo.

20. Tried to give away the book.

21. Left the book alone.

22. Made a deck of cards out of the pages.

23. Threw the boom out the window.

24. Rolled up all the pages into a giant ball and played catch.

25. Used the book as a plate.

26. Blacked out all of the pages with sharpie.

27. Made a house luminary out of the pages.

28. Played tick tac toe in the book.

29. Made an image of

me as a miniature person, holding up the book cover.

30. Doodled on the book for all of my classes.

31. Used the pages to make paper jewelry.

32. Made the book a tiny end table.

33. Make the book a stool.

34. Draw an animation on the pages.

35. Used the book to create sounds to form a song.

36. Had a contest for throwing eggs at the book from a distance.

37. Made a speech using the book.

38. Got the book wet and did something cool with the running ink.

39. Folded the pages into a wreathe.

40. Wrote a story only using the first word of each page.

41. Cut a design out of the book cover and made it into a vector image in Illustrator.

42. Made toys out of the book.

43. Did a photography set with the book.

44. Made christmas ornaments out of the pages.

45. Finger painted in the book.

46. Asked people to write one word on each page, and pieced together a poem.

47. Used the book as a journal.

48. Left the book on the floor of a busy room. To see how long it lasts.

49. Dipped the entire book in chocolate.

50. Traded the book in for cash.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Class Take Away 4

This class was hard for me. I had written an intensely emotional poem, and completely forgot I had to present it to the class. The poem was about how my band wants me to drop out of school to tour extensively, and the struggle I have deciding which opportunity I should take. I ended up going last, and the entire time leading up to my turn I was unable to concentrate on just about anything. It didn't help that my phone was also blowing up with texts from band members. When I finally presented, I got shaky and emotional. Once I was done reading everyone was silent, as if I had stopped time. After a bit of contemplation, the professor brought us all up to speed on how she came to find her path amongst various opportunities. Her story was inspiring, because it was honest. She ended her story by telling me that only I can make this choice, and that my dreams (no matter what they are) are not impossible.

For anyone interested... I have decided to stay in school and work with the band as long as I can. Below is our band's Facebook page, we're going to be done with our record this friday and
will hopefully have it for sale by the end of the month.
Crunkasaurus Rex

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Opportunity Poem

True songs are made with passion,
Held together by a band of hearts.
Our souls have danced in harmony,
In harmony I am lost.

Some souls will make a new path,
No matter where it will go.
Dare I choose to follow?
Dare I tell them no?

A dream, a goal, a career
The life that we all want
Our band of hearts divided.
I am the only one.

Are these really my dreams?
Understand, I can’t decide.
Look at them; heads trapped in the sky.
Opportunities or a passionate lie?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Class Take Away 3

This week's class made me learn more about myself. When I showed my doodle to the class I was nervous. Not because it didn't look good, I sorta liked my chaotic looking space man. Its just after looking around and seeing so many cool pencil doodles I felt a little worried that I didn't do the assignment correctly because I used a digital medium. However, as the class was going back and forth about my doodle, my professor asked me how I really felt about it. When I first tried to explain my thoughts on the doodle, I said that I didn't feel particularly good or bad about it. As I went on explaining my feelings I realized my doodle had a message about myself within it. The straight lines inside of his helmet represented my organized thoughts, where as the messy squiggles around the helmet represented all of the new information I surround myself with. I think I need to learn when to stop taking in useless information and express my thoughts more. Because externalizing our thoughts/emotions is another way to work through them.